I have finished the John Clayton 'Holly' last week - it was fun to do at the end, even the background. I need to find a square frame for it... Sorry for the poor picture quality, I'm still working on 'figuring out my Digi-cam' !
The Christmas stitching has now been put away until December next year, and I started my rotation as planned with the Monet yesterday. I'm doing a weekly rotation, but will do birthday cards on Sunday (as I take part in a few birthday exchanges and would like to stitch cards.
Happy New Year to all!
New Years Eve was a bit of a no-show for us. I wasn't keen to go to Central London for the fire works anyway - I'm not one for big crowds. and I'm 'On Call'... the whole Christmas period working has tired me out so much, I just want to sleep. So I went to sleep about 9pm! Got up again at 11 and waited to see in the New Year, but still wasn't with it. And Nafees has got the flu, so he couldn't even drink!
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