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Monday 16 February 2009

A finish and a new start!

Last week was my rotation week for small kits. I do this week always after my 4 weekly 'big pieces' rotation not only to finish the small kits, but to give me the satisfaction of finishing something LOL.
I finished the Labrador this week, and now only have to find a suitable frame. With a small picture like this, it shouldn't be too difficult, I think the mount already goes nicely with it. I bought this pako kit last year at Olympia, that was 2 days after we first got Bonnie - and it's a perfect impression of her.

My new start 'small kit' is from the french Company Savoir Faire Vailly. They have a series of heart-shaped designs and I've got the kits for the cherry and the strawberry heart. It is stitched on dark coloured linen, so I have to concentrate to find the 'right holes'.


Connie said...

Liebe Peggy,
was ich sehe , gefällt mir jetzt schon !
Liebe Grüße
sendet Dir

( Hoffe auf ein Wiedersehen in Langenzenn ?!? )

Unknown said...

Hi Connie, hab zwar noch keinen flug gebucht, aber drueck mr mal die daumen, dass es klappt dieses jahr - ich moechte soooo gerne !


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