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Sunday 5 October 2008

Mamma Mia

Dan and Imran went fishing yesterday in Bluewater and asked me to pick the up by 10pm. I decided I might as well treat Ruby and myself, and so we booked tickets to see Mamma Mia at the cinema. I wasn't quite sure if it was ok for Ruby to watch, but there were lots of families with even smaller children in the cinema.

The movie is hilarious and great fun, such a feel-good movie. Don't go if you expect something deep and meaningful or if you hate ABBA songs. (As there is one being sung every 5 minutes). The story is simple and shamelessly written around ABBA songs. Girl (Amanda Seyfried) lives with her single mum Donna (Meryl Streep) on a Greek Island, they run a hotel and struggle a bit financially (Money, Money, Money). She is getting married to a local boy, and her mother has never revealed to her who her dad is. She finds her mothers diary and discovers that there a 3 possiblities who could be her father - so she invits all 3 of them (Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard) without her mothers knowledge to her wedding. Now this is a comedy and seriously funny, and the choreography in the dances is great. The best part is that the actors sing themselves. I was surprised that there are ABBA songs which I didn't know, for example the song which Colin Firth sings on the boat. Oh yes, you've heard it right, Colin Firth sings! He sooo cannot sing, and he does it with a great passion of the stiff Englishman. You gotta watch it only for that! Oh, and another of my favorites is Julie Walters who plays Meryl Streep's friend. She is perfectly cast, and I love the scene when she sings and dances to 'Take a chance on me' at the end. It's all build into the story.


Anonymous said...

Hallo Peggy,

ich hab den Film vor einiger Zeit mit meiner großen Tochter besucht - wir hatten einen tollen Abend!
Wenn es den auf DVD gibt, hol ich ihn mir sofort! (Dann kann ich immerhin im TV Sonne Sand und Meer genießen :)


Unknown said...

Hi Sigi, ich hatte erst gar keine Lust auf Kino,aber meine Kollegin meine zu mir 'musst du sehen' und jeden zweiten tag fragte sie 'warste nun schon im Kino?' ich hab sie dann gefragt, ob es auch was fuer Ruby waere, und sie meinte 'na klar'. Also, es hat sich gelohnt, ich hab die ganze zeit mit einem dicken Grinsen im Gesicht dagesessen. Und obwohl der Film schon monatelang laeuft, war das Kino rappelvoll!


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