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Saturday, 14 March 2009

Ruby and me went to a craft evening on Wednesday. It is part of Kent's 'Family Learning', they organise different activities from craft, sports, computing etc for children and parents, and it is all free. It takes place every other months or so at local primary schools. We attended 'Easter Craft'. It's all pretty basic stuff, but all the materials are provided, and for me it's nice to spend some 'mother-daughter' time. With 3 children, it's nice sometimes when I can find something to do with just one of them and give them my attention fully - even if just for 2 hours as with this craft evening.

We completed some Easter baskets, trinket boxes (decorated with sequins etc), cards. I tried my hand at quilling, it was a bit tedious, but if I would have managed to fill in a complete Easter egg template (which I didn't), that would have looked great. So I just did it all on the outside, and I think I could even use it as a frame for my cross stitch. Ruby enjoyed herself. I don't think I could get my teenage boys to do this with me... they are past that!



©2009 The Pegster | by TNB