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Sunday, 27 June 2010

Gregg Hurwitz 'Ever feel you're being watched?'

A man wakes up in a hospital bed. A detective is standing over him with a crime scene photo - a particularly gruesome photo, showing the blooding dead body of a woman. And than the man's world falls to pieces, as the detective tells him that h is in hospital recovering from a brain haemorrhage, and that whilst suffering a seizure brought on by the haemorrhage he murdered his ex-finacee.

Monday, 21 June 2010

NH afghan update

Here is my update from NH Afghan from last week. Finally, get some more time for cross stitch.


I am still anxiously awaiting Danial's visa, and it is hard to think of anything else. He is supposed to travel next week... I was supposed to travel to Germany this coming weekend to see good friends, and now I'm stuck here still waiting for Dan's visa. Apart from that, I finally started writing, and also watch the football at the moment (nice timewaster LOL)
-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, 20 June 2010

No more OU

I had my final Open University Exam last Wednesday - and after 7 years of OU - no more!!! I can't believe it and feel a real sense of freedom to do all the things which I wanted to do for ages but never had the time, e.g. writing. This is rediculous though, as I surely did not spend that much time on the OU, sometimes I did nt open a book for weeks on end! Coming back to the exam, I'm confident that I did enough for a 'Pass' which is all I need. I couldn't face a resit, but I never had to do a resit with the OU, so I'm hopeful.

Today I was researching some writing programes, and downloaded the demo version of 'Writer's Cafe' which I'm trying to get to grips with, and I might eventually even start writing LOL.

Unfortuntely, we are still waiting for Dan's student visa. It is getting really really tight now - his flight is in 2 weeks - and there is nothing I can do apart from wait for a call from the embassy. It's nervewrecking. I can't bear thinking about if he does not get his visa on time. Firsly, the huge disappointment - I feel soo upset for Danial. And secondly the money - we have spend loads already on the flight, the visa, the doctor's stuff (vaccinations etc, all on private appointments). Please all keep your fingers, toes etc crossed for him.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Cross stitch update Monday

Not a lot done - I'm deep into revision for my OU exam.

Sunday, 6 June 2010


Finally got my Internet working again. Something wrong with the wireless router... whatever. Was annoying because I couldn't go online at home, only at work where I don't have the time that often, and we cannot view every website e.g. can't do Facebook or Yahoo groups. (for obvious reasons I guess otherwise no-one would ever get any work done at the London Borough of Southwark LOL.

Hot day on the Thames

I took my daughter Ruby and her friend Natasha down to the Thames today, lovely cool breeze on a hot day ( well, hot for us anyway!, abt 27C). It's not a long walk from us, maybe 20 mins, but not a very pleasant walk unfortunately - lots of boy rasers on motorbikes (we had to jump into the hedges a few times), and lots of flytipping which is a great shame. It was lovely down by the water tough, despite some rubbish which always gets washed up, can't avoid it. We had fun looking for shells and stones, and Bonnie had great fun in the mud. We had to hose her down when we came back home, no way we could have let her in the house like that.

-- Post From My iPhone


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